Book Reviews:

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Unsolicited Letters of Praise

    These are just a few of the types of letters of appreciation that have come into our office from people in various parts of the world who have received the books we have published. Sometimes, instead of receiving letters, we get phone calls from those who would like to personally tell us of the appreciation they have of the work that we do. Such calls and letters, needless to say, mean a lot to us. Anytime you wish to express your thoughts to us, we encourage you to write also.

    One such phone call was from Lee Hunt from Plattsburg, New York, around the end of 1993. He had read The Universal Path to Enlightenment and called not only to tell us how much he liked the book, but to explain that he worked at a mental health facility that held a forum in which the workers gathered to explain and discuss how to better understand and take care of the patients. He had gotten up and, during his talk, read Appendix Three, Spiritual Enlightenment: A Cure for Social Ills from the book. He said that many of the people at the forum were quite impressed with what he read and a few also asked where he got the book or to borrow his copy.

Other letters are as follows:

Dear Stephenji,
         I stumbled upon your website while I was searching for Sri Narahari Achar, the Prof at Memphis University who recently found the exact date of Mahabharata War and Sri Krishna's Birthday.  I can say with all my heart "None on the surface of the Earth can match you in understanding Hinduism and to protect it from infidels."  More over you are practicing Hinduism and  more importantly expressing and teaching Hinduism by writing books on Hinduism you are helping Hindus themselves to understand their own Religion and Scriptures. In my view You and David Frawley and followers are sufficient to save Hinduism and Hindustan which are endangered by not only other Religions but also from the century old ruling political party "The Congress Party" which is trying its best to handover this Holy Lord Sri Krishna and Faith and Truth to the people and countries who are ready to devour and leave no trace of Hinduism and Hindustan.  I pray Lord Srikrishna to give you and your followers and my fellow Indians the means and ways to preserve Hinduism and Hindustan for ever.
Nagaraja Varma. Bengaluru, 12/2/2015 

Dear Stephen
    I am Hindu and have always wondered about the universe and life in general .
    Your books are simple and easy to understand for some one who has no knowledge of the Vedas.
I have read the following :
The Vedic Prophecies
The Secret teachings of the Vedas
How the universe was created
Proof of Vedic cultures global existence
Crimes against India
    Currently reading your book Avatars, Gods and Goddesses of Vedic culture and Prayers, Mantras and gayatris.
    Your books have helped me discover who I am and awakened my spirituality and to find my purpose in life. Before I read your books I felt so lost and now I have a deeper understanding of life. I also enjoy watching your you tube videos.
    Thank you so much for sharing your spiritual knowledge . I feel truly blessed for discovering your books.
    Please can you do more you tube videos.
    Namaste & Jai Sri Krishna, Sudha,  11/9/2015

Dear Mr. SriNandan,
        I had the great opportunity of reading your book on Karma and Reincarnation. Even though I am a brahmin brought up in South India and still go back to Sirrangam to visit my parents every year, I was ignorant of so many insights that you have provided in your book.
        Life gave me everything... good parents, great husband, excellent career, cute kids, good money,... still there was something that was always coming in ... what next ? As you have rightly pointed out, there is always a search towards as to what is next that could potentially bring in (more) happiness :-(.
        Due to the place that I was brought up, I always have this inclination towards spiritual enrichment. But, I am at a juncture where I am not clear as to how to take baby steps towards greater awareness and to feel the oneness with Him. I would be very thankful if you could be my guiding light.
I would also like to be signed up for your news list.
Thank you very much. Warm Regards, Latha.  April 25, 2011


Dear Stephen,

    NAMASTE. Your name is revered by Indians particularly by Patriotic Hindus around the world.  Your love for the Vedic Dharma and its culture is most legendary.  I salute you for such sentiments for my Hindu nation, its Dharma and culture more than many born Hindus. I have just purchased your latest book 'Crime against India'.  I had its review on email and when I looked at its 'chapters title' I was interested, but now just after reading the first chapter I find it amazing, I am over the moon.  You have narrated it so wonderfully and made aware of the danger the nation and the Dharma is facing. With Pranam, Savarkar Vinayak, London, Feb. 7, 2009.


    Haribol Prabhu: YOUR WORK IS FANTASTIC AND MOST AMAZING! I recently bought two of your books regarding Vedic Prophesies and Vedic Culture in the world. The first book has revealed to us the coming times during the Kali yuga and we are more than motivated to get out of this world NOW. The second book has charged me to preach more and use the facts presented in the books for my preaching. I was speaking to one Christian missionary in London and said some of the contents from your book and he was surprised. Even he didn't know about Christianity that much. I am an insignificant person and not suitable enough to praise you but still I would like to do that. Please keep writing forcefully and help Indians at least realize their great heritage. Your Servant, A Satsangi, U. K. 6/25/2003

    Dear Sri Nandanandana prabhu: I just wanted to say thanks for being the best devotee writer I have ever read. I mean in regards to the way you present so many great topics in an easy to read, understandable and educated manner. . . I read a bunch of your books that we had here in the Chicago Temple library as well as the gift shop, and I was floored! From a historical perspective, my father may well appreciate the topics covered... Yours in service to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga, Bhakta J P, Chicago, 6/15/2003

Dear Mr. Knapp: Thank you for writing two of the most amazing and informative books I have ever read. I have just finished reading "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas," and "The Universal Path to Enlightenment." I would like to know more about Vedic philosophy... Thank you for your time and any further information. Sincerely, Jon Heidinger, Burkeville, VA 11/20/96

Dear Stephen Knapp, It has been wonderful reading your book, The Universal Path to Enlightenment. I am interested in your Vol. I, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. When are you likely to publish Volume Three? With Prem & Om. P. Krishnaswamy, Williamsville, NY 3/18/94

Dear Mr. Stephen Knapp: I am from India (Tamil Nadu). Though I am a Roman Catholic, I am interested in the Indian philosophy. As you wrote in the beginning of The Secret Teachings of the Vedas to read it with an open mind, I did so. I am now in a state of understanding the things I didn't understand before. Things like the purpose of living in this world; why poor and rich people are suffering or are happy; and why bad and good people exist; why children may suffer; and why there is famine and unhealable diseases. Though the Vedic knowledge gives me a higher standard of understanding this material existence, [I still have questions]. Please answer my questions so that I can know who is God and worship Him without any doubts. If your next books are finished, please tell me how to buy them and where to send the needed payments. With the hope of hearing from you, I am closing this letter with love. Infant Fernando, Doha Qatar, Arabian Gulf August, 1994

Dear Mr. Knapp, I am thoroughly enjoying reading The Secret Teachings of the Vedas written by yourself and would like to congratulate you on this excellent piece of work. Having almost completed Volume One, I would like to purchase Volume Two and Three... I would like to thank you for making accessible to me something (Vedic knowledge) that my local Hindu community (as well as my family) has been unable to provide. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Ashish Joshi, Hounslow, Middx, U.K., Nov. 1995

Mr. Stephen Knapp, Although I am born into a knowledgeable Hindu family and have read many "VEDAS," I appreciate your knowledge and also the way of presentation. One of my students sent me only "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas" and I want to know if other volumes have been published. I am supposed to be in USA between Jan/Feb '99 and would like to meet you & discuss some kind of collaborative activities. May God bless you, Swami Yoga Anand Bharati, Le Barcares, France. 1/4/99

Dear Sir: Please find enclosed a money order for the book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas Volume I. I enjoyed reading the book The Universal Path to Enlightenment Volume II by Stephen Knapp. Please convey my congratulations to Mr. Knapp for his excellent work. I am looking forward to receiving Volume I. Thank you. Sincerely Yours, S. Shiva M.D., Coquitlam, B.C., Canada 7/8/93

Dear Sir: Please send me a complete list of your publications on Eastern philosophy. I recently read the book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas which I found very interesting. The author has done an excellent job--my congratulations to him. Sincerely, D. S. Tomer, Little Rock, Arkansas

Dear Stephen, Enclosed is my check to cover the purchase and shipment of Volume II in "The Mysteries of Life" series: The Universal Path to Enlightenment. Straight from the heart Stephen--thank you for your wonderful work. Paul Belisle, Boston, MA 9/1/93

Dear Steve, Greetings. I just received your book and would like to express my appreciation for your kindness and generosity. I am especially pleased with The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. I should mention that I have been a student of Occult philosophy for several years now and I personally believe the teachings contained within the Vedas are closer to the truth than any other religious teachings. I intend to meditate on the eternal truths contained therein in hopes of raising my consciousness and perhaps eventually attaining self-realization.

    Your book came right on time and I am very, very happy to have received it. I should add that I think you have done a great service to humanity in making these sacred teachings available to all in such a condensed and easy to understand format. I commend you on a job well done and I thank you very much.

    In answer to your question as to how I heard of "The World Relief Network," I should admit I stumbled upon it most fortunately as I was scanning through a book about books and saw one of your books, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas in it. And I thought, "That looks like an excellent book," (and so it is). I then looked through a book of publishers and found the address. Actually, I know very little about the Network, though judging by its title and publishings I am sure it stands for a good and noble cause. I would like to learn more if possible.

    In closing, I would just like to express my appreciation once again. Keep up the good work and thank you very, very much. Peace & Love. Faithfully, Mike Collins, Chippewa Correctional Facilities, Kincheloe, MI  12/8/93

Dear Mr. Knapp: As per our telephone conversation of yesterday, I am ordering 2 copies of Volume Two--The Universal Path to Enlightenment. I thoroughly enjoyed Volume 1, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. I look forward to reading Volume 2 and Volume 3 when published. Melinda Wexler, Commack, NY 5/10/94

Greetings: Enclosed is my check for the book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas: Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life--Vol. I. I have already purchased Volume II and am enjoying it immensely. It is very informative and a great reference. Thanks for your help. Leslie A. LaGow, Houston, Texas 4/5/93

Dear Stephen, I have read your books entitled The Secret Teachings of the Vedas and The Universal Path to Enlightenment. They are being very useful to me. In Mauritius we're doing a school programme teaching the Vedic philosophy and we have been using your books. We have the intention to produce a manual for school children and we would like to use sections of your book. We would be very grateful if you would give us permission to do so. Thank you. Siddhi-lalasa dasi, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius 5/8/93

Dear Mr. Knapp: I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your two books. I am a great lover of India and have visited the country four times over 25 years, and have visited many temples and places of pilgrimage, which is my particular interest. I have found it difficult to get information about temples and holy places, and have been in many of the places you describe in your books without even hearing of the existence of many temples you describe visiting. You have gathered so much information about these holy places, with names and legends, and I am most impressed. If you felt like writing to me I would be happy to hear about how you managed to find your way so well. Clare Devereux, St. Romain, Quebec, Canada, Nov. 1994

Dear Mr. Knapp: I have just found and bought a copy of your book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. Thank you--it is wonderful and the first comprehensive book I have been able to find on Vedanta. . . Although I am still learning and will be, I hope, for the rest of my life, your book has helped make me feel not so alone--that there really are people in the world who do understand and I must admit I would love to have a conversation with you. I am going back to India for 3 months and with the aid of your chapter on Seeing Spiritual India I hope to spend some time in the south. Yours truly, Linda Wilbram, London, England, December, 1994

Dear Stephen, Just a brief note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your invaluable book, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. I am very keen to read your other volumes and would be grateful if you could let me know how I could order them. Wishing you good health for many more years to continue your fantastic work. Yours Sincerely, Dr. R. Ramalingam, Tasmania Australia, February 13, 1995

Sirs: I am an inmate in the Virginia Department of Corrections and am writing to you in hopes you can help me. I have been referred to you by Chandrasekhara dasa of the ISKCON Prison Ministry in Gainesville, Florida. Chandra has been good enough to provide me--and I to others here--with Krishna related materials, books, etc. One, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas, by Stephen Knapp was Absolutely one of the MOST educational/enlightening books I have EVER had the pleasure to learn from! And that's from volume I!! The problem is I want to read more but don't have volumes 2, 3, or 4. Any help would be Greatly appreciated. Thanks. Floyd M. Poss, Burkeville, VA June, 1995

Dear Sir: Regarding The Secret Teachings of the Vedas, I bought this book and found it very fascinating. I am a Hindu. I would be most grateful to obtain your permission to quote some extracts from this book to support the teachings from the ancient scriptures of Hinduism. Thank you for an early reply. Yours faithfully, L. Lalbeharry, Rainham, Kent, England, Nov., 1994

Dear Mr. Knapp: I am currently reading your book, The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life--Volume One. I am enjoying it and I find it most informative. I am interested in purchasing Volumes Two, Three and Four if available. . . I appreciate the tremendous effort on your part to research and write a book of this nature. Thanks again. Tom Reese, San Diego, CA Sept., 1995

Dear Mr. Knapp: I recently was given access to a copy of your book, The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. Since the book came into my hands it has become a constant companion. . . I am excited about so many things in your book. Your candid approach is a wonderful tool and weapon against maya. Dan Ginsberg, Chino, CA Oct., 1995

Dear Mr. Knapp, On a recent business/pleasure trip to India I had the opportunity in Bangalore to purchase your book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. For the past twenty-five or so years I have been in pursuit of answers to the age old questions; Who am I and what is my reason for being here? Your unique explanation of Body, Mind, Spirit/Soul and Supersoul came at a most opportune time. A year ago or even six months ago I would have probably thought how interesting, without understanding or comprehending a Truth. I can only say that when one is ready for the next step it will be made available. In this case it was The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. The reason I am writing you, besides letting you know that you have been an inspiration, is to locate other copies of Volume One for other friends who are searching. I am also interested in obtaining copies of Volume Two and Three. Sincere regards and a Special Thank you. Bill Blomeyer, Granbury, Texas, Nov., 1995

Dear Sir, I am so happy to have received Volumes One & Two of The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. Having already read Vol. One, I knew that Vol. Two would be excellent. . . you did not disappoint me! I am only about half-way through Vol. Two now, but I can say without a doubt that it has deeply enriched my understanding of religion in general and has put into my hands and mind a multi-faceted weapon against Maya, ignorance and illusion. What a wealth of ("hidden from the mainstream") information you have uncovered and with bold expertise unveiled ugly realities behind most all of the major so-called religions. I not only thank you for your compassion and charity toward me, but I thank you for making this great work available to the world. . . So please be encouraged and know that your efforts are greatly appreciated and that they are having a far-reaching beneficial effect. Dan Ginsberg, Chino, CA. Dec.1, 1995

Dear Stephen, I have been interested in high class spiritual literature and the Vedic teachings. I have read your complex but clearly written book entitled The Secret Teachings of the Vedas, Volume One. Your efforts deserve appreciation. Your sincerity and devotion are quite transparent. It is a wonderful reference book for those interested in the quest for reality. Dr. B.H.S. Thimmappa, Banadakappa, Karnataka State, India, 12/11/95

Hello WRN! I have just finished reading Stephen Knapp's book The Secret Teachings of the Vedas - The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life, Volume 1 which I borrowed from Rice University. It was very enlightening, and I would like to purchase a copy of it for my personal library. Would you please send me information on ordering it? Also, is Volume 2 available? Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours, Angela Capers, Houston, Texas, 9/15/96

To whom it may concern: Recently this year I visited India to see Sai Baba and on my last day there I was given a book titled "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas" of which I really felt I had read before in another place and time. I would really like to know how to get the second book called "The Universal Path to Enlightenment." I am hoping that you will be able to guide me to where I may get a copy. Thank you very much... Yours Sincerely, Cassandra Ferdinand, Strawberry Hills, Australia, 11/18/96

Hi. I am 33 years old and sending you this post over the globe from Iceland. From free time from work I have been reading an excellent book by Stephen Knapp, which is called "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas". After many travels in the East I have found interest in studying religion more. After reading this book I have gained more realizations of spiritual identity and find this study of the Vedas rewarding and joyful. With many thanks. Oskar Thorvaldsson,  4/22/2001

Dear Sirs:    Thank you for letting me know about Stephen Knapp's latest book, "The Vedic Prophecies." He is one fantastic author. Gloria Renault, Mesa, Arizona, 12/12/97

Dear Sir: Please send me the new book "The Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Future." Mr. Knapp, you have done a great job on the other two books. Yours truly, Mukund H. Patel, Des Moines, IA. 1/20/98

Sir: His (Stephen Knapp) has been an unbiased, enquiring mind looking at Indian spiritual thinking and philosophy and it has been very interesting to have a westerner looking into what to many of us in India is a living credo. The thinking which has gone into so many facets of Indian life, which many a time we follow or disdain to follow in our daily lives, has been to me a true revelation and truly mind boggling if not inspiring. I thank you again for your reply and I do hope you will help me in procuring the two (newer) books. I have become so curious about the contents that I can only compare myself to a "bakapakshi" (an Indian bird which sits patiently with it's beak open to the sky till the first rain drops fall)!! With warm regards, Dr. G. Vishva Murthy, Bangalore, India 2/20/98

Dear Mr. Stephen Knapp, What a pleasure it was to read Volumes 1 & 2 of "The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life." Please can you tell me if Volume 3 is available to be purchased, and how I may order this. I greatly enjoyed reading Vols. 1 & 2 and just can't wait to get hold of Vol. 3! Many thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Ashish Joshi, Hounslow U.K. 3/3/98

Dear Prabhu: I just came two days ago from Mayapur and I want to thank you very much for your books. I immediately started to look through and found them very interesting and useful for preaching opportunities. Good luck with your writings. Yours, Lomancita dasa, Stockholm, Sweden. 3/20/98

    I can't thank you enough for producing such a nicely written and practically presented book on spiritual consciousness. Your Secret Teachings of the Vedas presents all the major points of Vedic philosophy in a clear way that even a "so-called" older aspiring devotee like me can derive great benefit by reading. . . Very often I consult your book before giving temple or public lectures and I find it useful for quick summaries on a subject, and also as an index for further reading. I would like you to produce more books. Thank you. I pray to Krishna-Balarama for your long life and advancement in pure spiritual consciousness. Mahanidhi Swami, Vrindavana, India 9/16/89

Dear Prabhu [Stephen Knapp], After seeing your ad for your books, I looked up Mahanidhi Swami's copy [of The Secret Teachings of the Vedas]. As he liked it, I like it. Is it possible to get a copy to me? . . . When your next book comes out I would also like to get a copy of that, please, if possible. Keep up the good work. It is undoubtedly a lot of hard work to put books together, but it is the important work of our parampara. Brhat mrdanga ki jai! Bhakti Vikas Swami, Vrindavana, India 6/2/91

Dear Sri Nandanandana Prabhu [Stephen Knapp]: I am in receipt of your latest publication [The Vedic Prophecies], thank you very much. I went through it immediately and had a look at the fine printing and pictures at the back. I showed it to some of my godbrothers and everyone was very impressed. This is a wonderful contribution and I am continually amazed how you are able to publish these books and at the same time maintain yourself by working. Krishna is definitely enlivening you to write in this way and I encourage you to continue. I found many of your points to be very interesting and I am looking forward to reading your future publications. Yours, Partha Sarathi das, Durban, South Africa. 3/17/98

Dear Sri Nandanandana Prabhu: I am still reading How the Universe was Created and Our Purpose In It. I hope to read faster and find more time for it. I am awestruck by your ability to organize all of that information into a cohesive and wonderful presentation like that. How did you do it? And where did you find the quotes from the different Puranas? I really like the "NOTES" at the end, and I plan to refer to all of them that I can during my next reading. The creation is a subject that fascinates me. It is so far out and engaging for the mind. A real meditation.  Kamalini dasi, North Carolina, 7/20/2000

Dear Sir: WOW!! I've been listening to the Art Bell radio show for YEARS! to here someone with this body of knowledge to emerge [as in Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence]. So many schools of thought and speculation as to the scientifically provable facts of our history here in this small speck of dust we come to regard as home. This proof you have supporting the histories of the Vedas is newsworthy! It should be shouted from the highest pulpits of scientific information, dissemination with a point of view counter to the accepted atheistic view. Kudos and congratulations on your wonderful achievement. I look forward to reading the book.      Balarama dasa,  7/1/2000

Dear Stephen Knapp: First of all let me thank you for all these wonderful books you have written. You did a great job explaining some of the hard to grasp points of Vedanta, in a simple way (and most important0 for everyone to understand. Because I had great personal benefit from your books, I often recommend them to people who are interested in consciousness raising. . . Other people also seem to be very inspired by your universal approach and very respectful attitude towards the various world religions. To me the great strength of your books is just this approach, without forgetting to point out that not every 'path' leads to the exact same goal.   Lex Hagen, 8/7/2000

Dear Sri Nandanandana Prabhu: I've been reading the new Vedic book [Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence] and it's terrific! You have done a monumental amount of research. All glories to your service. . . Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded for your efforts and the world will benefit from you wonderful contributions.     Ron Marinelli, 7/25/2000

 Dear Sir: I have read the book "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence." This is the boldest and honest book ever written and presented in an authoritative and conclusive manner. I was amazed and happy to be enlightened. I would like to emulate you in every manner and help propagate the Vedic culture to its original glory. From all this, I can say is that you have become more dear to Krishna, because you are acting just like Arjuna in the battle field of Kurukshetra. G. V. Vijai, Hyderbad, India, 8/21/2000

Dear Sir: We at Hindu Unity are extremely happy that you wrote this book. Vedic heritage deserves its rightful place as the King of Kings of this world. Your book will bring pride and honor back to Hindus all around the world.  8/25/2000

Dear Stephen Knapp: I have finished your book--Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence. I take this book as a "positive" book. There is so many things to be learned from the Vedic culture. So many gems to be found in our spiritual heritage. . . I found it fascinating how you have woven all of our origins together and also showed how world cultures and religions became fragments or factions of the one true Vedic world. It was wonderful how you presented Sanskrit as our original language and many proofs of that. I think I have a deeper understanding of how different religious splintered off. Thank you for taking the time to write about all these things that unfolded in our history. It is a valuable source book and preaching tool. I enjoyed it very much.  Victoria Kleinberg, California, 9/3/2000

Dear Sri Nandanandana Prabhu: Thank you for your latest book which I have almost finished reading. I could hardly put it down. I very much appreciate your bold presentation and research. It has definitely increased my faith and appreciation . . .  Mahavishnu Swami, Dubai, 9/7/2000

    I very much enjoyed you Vedic Culture's Global Existence. Thank you for your painstaking research and personal discipline in completing such a nice piece of work. . .     Eternally Grateful, Connie Humphrey, California, 9/14/2000 

    I am still in awe of the Vedic influence and my eyes popped out when I first started reading your book [Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence] and saw your web site. I can't speak for others but I really think there is a huge need for a book like yours. Every word you write really strikes something deep within me, I can't explain it. In any case, I know I will never look at things the same again. Thanks to you I am starting to have the smallest, minute realization of what people mean and what the Bhagavad-gita means when it says Krishna is everywhere.   Sanket Kaul Matu,  Denmark,  2/28/2001 

Dear Prabhu: Your book "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence" was fantastic! It is so wonderful to see my Godbrothers writing the type of books our Spiritual Master instructed us to write. All the best of luck. . . Sat-sanga dasa, M.D. M.P.H.  9/21/2001

Hi There, In my good faith I came in contact with your books. I have bought a copy of "Vedic Culture's Global Existence." Well done. I am sure your spiritual teachers are most pleased with your effort, as I am. Your previous book, "The Universal Path to Enlightenment," have been reading this book with the 3 weeks I visited Egypt. Best wishes, Phillip,  9/16/2001

Dear Srinandanandana, Pranama. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. At the conclusion of the year 2001, I was thinking who made positive impact on my life this year. In this respect, I would like to say thanks to you and your writings and words of advice. I wanted to say few words about what and how you made an impact. It all started with reading the book, Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence. It is not that the subject of the book is new to me. Interestingly, rather than the subject, it resulted in bringing the awareness of Krsna Consciousness, the common goal of all your works. I was raised in Krsna Consciousness since early childhood, not to the degree of purity ISKCON implements. But Krsna was part of our prayer from early age. Your replies to my ignorant questions made me realize and learn about the teachings of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada that opened up a wonderful yet illuminated future. In other words, you remain my siksha guru who has introduced me to KC in its pure form. After nine months, my understanding of the Vedanta philosophy is much better and the resolve to improve my spiritual life is stronger. My perception of the world, life and soul is more clear and my consciousness is at an elevated position. All this is due to the book. Again it had not taught me anything spectacularly new. But I learned from you in the past few months that spiritual life need not be so complicated and filled with mistrust as I felt before. This is the single most important contribution. I felt convinced about this after reading the book, The Vedic Prophesies. No one before you (ISKCON in general) taught me the big picture of spiritual life and constitution of cosmic manifestation so clear and simple. On this day I wanted to thank you and pay my pranama at your feet. I wish you very happy, prosperous and devotional new year. Hari Bol. Your servant, Srinivasa Rao Batchu. 12/29/01 (from Email)

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