Vegetarian Recipes and Resources
Vegetarianism is especially recommended for those who want to follow a truly spiritual lifestyle. The information, recipes and website links on this page are provided to help anyone begin or to increase their ability to be a vegetarian. It also shows that being a vegetarian is not as difficult as some people think, at least if you are new to the idea. There are many of us who have been vegetarian for decades, and millions of others who have been lifelong vegetarians. Such a diet, when properly balanced, is quite healthy and much better for our bodies and environment. The links provided on this page can lead you to the information that will explain that. There are also cookbooks available on this page, and numerous other recipes and cookbooks that are linked from other websites that you can download or print for immediate use so that you can begin to change your diet right away, or increase the vegetarian recipes that you may already have.
Humanity cannot go without enduring the consequences and serious reactions as long as people cause the unnecessary suffering of millions of animals because of the meat industry. It is time for a change, and that change starts with your decision about your own life. Additional thoughts on the matter can be found in my article, "Universal Brotherhood Includes the Animals."
You can also read and save these short articles for yourself or for sending to others:
"The Dangers of Meat" is another thought provoking article which is the review of a PBS Frontline Documentary on the increasing hazards in consuming meat.
Vegetarianism: Quotes from Noteworthy People provides a number of quotes from historical personalities from Gandhi, Pythagorus, George Bernard Shaw, and others, on the need and advantages of being a vegetarian.
Vegetarianism: Recommended in the Vedic Scripture shows that the Vedic scripture severely warns against the danger of accumulating bad karma from the practice of eating flesh, or being connected with it in any way
Vegetarianism Supported in the Bible shows the biblical verses that condemn the eating of meat.
Why Be a Vegan/Vegetarian, a quick review to the benefits of a vegetarian diet.
Frequently Asked Questions About Veganism, regarding basic vegetarianism in ethics & religion, animal cruelty, health & nutrition, and helping others.
Common Ingredients and Chemicals that May Contain Meat Products is a list of often used food additives and preservatives, or Natural Flavorings that may be made from meat derivatives.
Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein? This is a question that often comes up and this information should be able to settle the issue in favor of vegetarians.
BBC Says World Must Eat Less Meat explains how the world would benefit from eating more vegetables, and the disadvantages of the meat diet.
Beyond Vegetarianism shows how we become free from the karma of using plants in food preparations, and how the plants used in the preparations also make spiritual progress by offering them first to the Lord to become Prasadam, which becomes the perfect yoga diet without karma that helps spiritualize our consciousness.
"Great Vegetarian Dishes" is one of the cookbooks by Kurma Dasa. He has produced others, plus several videos on cooking, which are all excellent. It is nearly 300 pages long. It contains 240 easy and nutritious recipes from around the world, and advice on how to prepare meals with a spiritual consciousness. To more easily view it over the web, we have divided it into the following sections available through these links:
1 [Introduction, Spiritual Advice, and Rice and Soups],
3 [Salads and Chutneys],
4 [Savories and Grain Dishes],
5 [Beans and Legumes],
6 [Dips, Sauces and Dressings],
7 [Sweets and Deserts],
8 [Drinks and Meal Suggestions].
Go through it and copy the recipes you like, or download them to an empty floppy disk or your hard drive. If you like the recipes, then consider buying the printed edition which includes the beautiful photographs as well.
For those who observe the day called Ekadasi, here is a cookbook with a collection of 49 preparations of all kinds, such as vegetable preps, chutnies, curries, paneer (cheese) preps, lassis, and more, all without grains or beans. Check it out online at: Ekadasi Recipes Cookbook.
Here is another little cookbook of eleven vegetarian sweets from the various states of India. They are great preps if you want to try something different, called: Diwali Sweets.
Here is another traditional cookbook I call an "Old Time Hare Krishna Cookbook". This features some of the original vegetarian recipes from the old days of the Hare Krishna movement.
Two more online cookbooks that you can look over or print for your immediate use include "A Taste of Vitality" and "Desserts of Vitality". These offer purely vegan recipes with no dairy or wheat ingredients. More people are taking to the vegan diet, so this will accommodate them. Some of these, however, use garlic and onions which some people who follow the sattvic diet may object to using. Therefore, I recommend excluding or substituting such ingredients with asafoetida (hing), or something similar if you prefer. Any experienced cook can use these recipes with their own imagination to make them in a way more to their liking. Otherwise, these are good recipes and informative books. Your can find these at: . Or you can go right to the PDF versions (if you have Adobe Acrobat reader) at the following sites: and
In the
words of George Bernard Shaw:
We are living graves of murdered beasts
Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.
We never pause to wonder at our feasts,
If animals like men could possibly have rights.
We pray on Sunday that we may have light,
To guide our footsteps on the paths we tread.
We are sick of war, we do not want to fight,
And we gorge ourselves upon the dead.
Like Carrion Crows we live and feed on meat,
Regardless of the suffering and pain
We cause by doing so, in this we treat,
Defenseless animals for sport or gain -
How can we hope in this world to attain
The peace we say we are so anxious for,
We pray for it o'er hetacomba of slain,
To God while outraging the moral law,
Thus cruelty begets the offspring --- WAR !
The Prayer of Fellowship of Life
"Our God our Father, we thank Thee for the wonder and beauty of Thy creation. Forgive us, we pray that we have taken it all for granted and have ruthlessly and selfishly exploited it in so many ways contrary to Thy will.
"In particular we pray for the animals and birds, sharers with us in Thy creation, that are powerless to protect themselves from the terror and anguish of slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and those that die cruel and often lingering deaths so that we may wear their skins. Let us cease to turn deaf ears to their cries and teach us how to live our lives mercifully and justly so that our love for Thee will be mirrored by our love for all Thy creation."
Vegetarian Recipes, Animal-free Food
Products, Information on Benefits of the Vegetarian Diet, and more.
More vegetarian recipes and excellent information on how and why to be a vegetarian are included in the list of over 60 worthwhile websites that follow. These sites can help provide you with many resources for additional recipes, instructions, utensils, vegan food products, cruelty-free clothing, and information on the benefits of being vegetarian, directories of vegetarian restaurants, and additional links to other resources. -- Hare Krishna vegetarian recipes of all kinds, just as you find in the temples offered to Lord Krishna. -- Paul McCartney's Meat Free Mondays to start changing to a meatless diet, and the reasons why, with recipes and more. -- "The Total Vegetarian Resource" is a great site on the ways and means for going vegetarian in any situation you may be in, and with supportive information with lots of nice veggie recipes as well.
Http:// -- site by the Vegetarian Resource Group with lots of info, recipes, resources, etc. Or use to go right to the recipes. -- this site can help you with your decision to go vegetarian for life and the rest of your life with many resources for your assistance. Or go directly to this section of their site that will take you to additional places for hundreds of various vegie recipes: -- the site of Beverly Lynn Bennett, a vegan chef, includes loads of vegan recipes. -- a unique website for Indian vegetarian recipes with the recipe, instructions and a video showing how to prepare each dish so you cannot go wrong. -- features dozens of low-fat recipes, kitchen wisdom, and tips for new and aspiring vegetarians. -- the International Vegetarian Union with lots of resources on being a vegetarian, and with search capabilities for vegetarian restaurants around the world, and for tons of recipes from around the world., an Indian cyber mall on Indian cooking with recipes, utensils, and more that you can order. -- this site has many Indian vegetarian recipes and resources, but you must register and sign in to have access to most of the site, which is worth it for serious vegetarians with an interest in Indian foods. -- a great site with lots of information and resources for being a vegetarian. -- offers a catalog of over 150 vegan food products. Now you can get what you need no matter where you are. Offers recipes, utensils, special food items, like dehydrated veggies, non-sugar, meat substitutes, soy products, bread mixes, quick mix preparations, canned goods, cookies, chocolates, and more. -- offers a variety of vegetarian recipes and links to many other vegetarian based businesses and resources. -- the youtube video of the teachings wherein Jesus explained "LET NO FLESH MEAT ENTER YOUR MOUTHS" (Lect. 38, GHT) and many other quotes on the reasons to avoid animal slaughter and meat consumption. -- a great site on how to become and continue to be a vegan, with information, recipes, video links, and more.
Sites for More Information for Being a Vegetarian -- 101 reasons for being a vegetarian. -- A beginner's guide to vegetarianism, a short article. -- This site explains why many Jewish religious leaders advocate vegetarianism, including Chief Rabbi of Britain Jonathan Sacks, late Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Goren, and the first Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel Abraham Kook? -- explains the best way to start being vegan. -- a page that offers thoughtful quotes by important and noteworthy people on the need to be vegetarian. -- a great list of many articles that look at all the religions and religious reasonings behind being a vegetarian. -- a site that lists the various concerns on staying a healthy vegan and the easy ways to get the proper nutrients in one's diet. -- a site that offers information about proper nutrition, the vegan lifestyle, animal and environmental issues, and more. -- the site of the Vegetarian Society with lots of info about being a vegetarian, with books, articles, recipes and more info about how to be vegetarian and promote its benefits. -- Watch this
video:The effect of animal fats on the human body -- How humans
are not physically created to eat meat.
Sites for Animal-free Products and Non-Leather Items -- offers news about vegetarian issues, articles, recipes, and resources for shoes, etc., that are leather-free. -- one of the largest selections of 100% vegan products in one place. Offers vegan shoes, belts, gourmet vegan food and sweets, body care products, and more. -- Carries non-leather items, shoes, jackets, ethical wares, vegan belts, wallets, bags, message T-shirts, buttons, stickers, etc. -- offers cookies and snacks that have no animal products and the finest vegan ingredients, along with ingredients for sale such as non-hydrogenated expeller pressed canola oil, non-aluminum baking powder, etc. -- a company in the United Kingdom for those who want to have vegetarian pet foods. -- offers a variety of non-leather shoes and lady's handbags. -- a variety of recipes for making your own vegan products for cleaning, makeup, etc.
Sites for Additional Resources, News and Issues on Vegetarianism, and Animal Protection Groups -- Food for Life, the world's largest vegan/vegetarian food relief organization. -- the site for Vegetarian Times magazine. -- a site that offers news, views, recipes, etc., on vegetarianism/veganism. -- here you can get your kit packed with info about going vegetarian, plus has a few recipes. -- the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, has news, information on vegetarianism, progress on stopping animal testing, publications, and more. -- "If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls, everyone Would be Vegetarian" narrated by Paul McCartney, it shows the real horrors and cruelty that go on in slaughterhouses. If any sees this and remains a meat eater, their state of mind should be questioned... -- order or download Peta's video "Meet Your Meat", narrated by Alec Baldwin, has undercover footage Peta has taken of how animals are abused in meat and dairy industries. -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has news, views on animal cruelty, publications on vegetarianism, etc. -- how to assist Peta's campaign to help cows, goats and sheep in India, and other advocacy work. -- site of the Vegetarian Society of the District of Columbia. -- the site for the Vegetarian Resource Center. -- the site of Vasu Murti das and his writings, with many great and informative articles and book excerpts on the devotional, religious and civil need for a vegetarian lifestyle. -- the site of long-time vegans and animal rightists Frank and Mary Hoffman, dedicated to furthering peaceful, compassionate living for the whole creation. A huge site with lots of articles on all aspects of the significance of the vegetarian and compassionate lifestyle, from the religious to social. -- offers a collection of ready-made letters to legislators, businesses, and media that address animal cruelty/protection issues. -- a large organization with many projects which operates the farm animal sanctuaries, and wages campaigns to stop the exploitation of animals raised for food. Also has news, resources, books, videos, etc. -- offers info on the disadvantages and dangers of meat-eating, issues of farm bred animals for meat consumption, and educational info about the need for the vegetarian lifestyle. -- lots of articles and news on the issues and dangers of milk and modern milk industry.